Soups and Sides for Supper

Adult Class, Partial Hands On

February 05, 2023
11:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.

Chef: Kathleen Sanderson


The weather is getting cold, the days are short… join us in the kitchen for an outstanding Soups & Bread workshop presented by Chef Kathleen Sanderson.  These hearty dishes, along with their scrumptious starchy sides will fill your belly and soul!
Basic Cream Soup Intro: Sherried Mushroom with Variations
Basic Bean Soup Intro: Pancetta, Arugula, & White Bean
Basic Chowder Intro: Shrimp, Chipoltle, & Sweet Potato Chowder
Basic Focaccia Intro: Rosemary with Variations
Basic Cornbread Intro: Cheddar and Chive
Sea Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookies